Ruth Roman

 Ruth Roman Biography, Height, Weight, Age measurements, Net Worth, Family, Wiki & much more! Ruth Roman was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, United States on the 22nd of December 1922. Her age at present is 97, 11 months and 21 days. Ruth Roman Weight 65 KG and stands 5 Feet 8 inches. She is an Actress in the United States. Lynn, Massachusetts is her home town. Her primary Profession is an Actress. Presently, Ruth Roman is a famous Actress around the globe. She is a famous actress. Nationality is American. We do not have any information about Ruth Roman's parents. The team of researchers currently studying Ruth Roman, we update her Sibling, Family children, Spouse, and siblings information soon. We don't have any information on Ruth Roman's educational background or lifestyle. Ruth Roman is an intelligent, talented actor. It is important to appear professional since paparazzi are known to are spotted following him around. Ruth Roman is 42 inches in height. Her weight is 65 kilograms. The actress has dark eyes and weighs 65 kilograms.

Ruth Ruth


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